How City Architecture and Urban Sprawling Affect the Both Domestic Canines and Wild Animals

Looking at today’s dwellings in the United States and other similarly developed countries we can see two growing trends that mark the primary residential situations in the country. These do not include isolated residential areas or with short term tenants such as Farms, Ranches, and RV parks. The Majority of Americans live in a dense city or urban environment or in expanded outer cities that contain a network of suburban neighborhoods. I will be investigating the pro’s and con’s of these two types and their impacts on humans, wild and domestic animals, and the environment. The term “Deforestation” is generally referring to the removal of a forest or trees in order to gain access land that is then converted for non-forest use. This term often goes hand in hand with the terms “Urban/Suburban Sprawling, Urbanization, and Suburbanization” which all generally describe the continual expansion of human populations away from the central areas (Cities) into wide-spread, vehicle dependent communities or suburban cities. These suburban cities are the most apparent as you fly over any part of southern California and every year developers are creating more of these cookie cutter homes. Why? There is a high demand for large homes because our society teaches us that our possessions is what measures our wealth and worth. The perpetuation of a pure capitalist mind set is what is allowing the continuation of development. It is because of this deforestation and urban sprawl that non domesticated animals are forced out of their natural habitat and stumble into residential areas and road ways in search of food, shelter, and water. There is however, another side to this coin. Due mostly to greed and unfounded fear, apartments in the more congested city areas are extremely expensive and often have animal restrictions. This would mean those living in this area would be less likely to have as many if any domestic animals. This also means those who already have domestic pets (particularly dogs) are less likely to move to the inner city. These cookie cutter homes provide certain features that the city residential buildings fall short of. These features include greater privacy, greater sense of safety, and obviously more room for families and pets. Majority of those who live in the suburbs are a member of a larger family and are much more likely to have larger domestic animals, namely larger dog breeds. The human death rate has decreased significantly since the introduction to modern medicine which means there are more people to house. Architects are faced with the problem of developing solutions to humanely, ethically, and reasonable house this growing population in a sanitary residential dwelling that will not add to the growing issue of deforestation and global warming.This issue is particularly complicated because the number of variables involved. Just as there is not one clear variable there is not one clear solution either. I will be tackling the subject by investigating the works of urban designers, polling individuals and pet owners, and defining several core issues. Physical issues, cultural issues, legal issues and economic issues. Finally I will briefly explore several possible solutions I discussed with several licensed Architects.

According to Howard Frumkin, author of “Urban Sprawl and Public Health”, the act of developing these suburban cities negatively effect the lives of people and animals. Sprawling is essentially the lowering of proximity meaning the area has fewer destinations and less variety of uses. Zoning laws that only allow for a single use for certain areas are called Euclidean Zoning laws. In one way they ensure that residential buildings are not built next to industrial building which is one positive aspect. They however, also perpetuate the sprawling issue by not allowing or restricting the creation or adaption of multi-use buildings, such as a living space above a business. The zoning laws set up a scenario in which people are dependent on motorized vehicles to travel to work, school, the store, and malls. This means that the road ways often need to be expanded to account for the greater amount of traffic. This expansion also cuts into the natural environment, leaves oils and other debris on the roads that ultimately ends up in the oceans and more cars in use means a greater carbon footprint. The argument is that people could use public transportation. The problem is that in wide-spread suburban cities public transportation is not only time consuming and unreliable it is also uneconomical. There is simply not enough passengers to make it worth while. “In one study, in the Seattle area, automobile commuting began to decease when the employment density reached about thirty employees per acer., and dropped sharply at levels above seventy-five. A similar pattern was evident for shopping trips.”

When conducting surveys of a obscure topic like urban sprawling, which is not exactly a well known topic, I needed to make sure that the individuals I approach understood the questions that I was asking. I tried to choose a wide range of demographics to include: fellow students, clients, family, friends and a blind survey I conducted with a few random strangers online. I started with a basic questionnaire to determine which questions I should use to continue my research with. I started by creating five categories in which I can place a person. These are: have pets/live in home, have pets/live in city, don’t have pets/live in home, don’t have pets/ live in city, and finally don’t have pets but wants a pet/ lives in city. For this study I focused primarily on dogs due to the fact that they require more attention, space and training. Those who did not have pets and did not want pets were then used as a conflict group (a group of people with opposing view points). I formulated sets of questions to ask both the pro-pet group and the anti-pet group to get a general understanding of what their thought processes were without giving them insight to my own opinions. I then went on to interview several architects to learn about their opinions in regards to the effects that dense cities and suburban cities have on domestic and wild life. I had written out my questions and recorded each architect has he or she responded after hearing the question for the first time. Urban sprawling is an issue, I think, many architects and urban designers are looking at right now. The problem has more to do with a social anxiety spurred on by the idea of conforming to the denser cities and having less space and privacy. Architect’s now have to consider how to design a building or community that will attract those who are accustomed to suburban sprawl. The challenge is to essentially change the mindset of an entire generation to slowly pull back into the cities. I grew up in a suburban area in Texas. The state of Texas is one of the biggest offenders in regards to the development of sprawling communities. I grew up having to take a 40 minute bus ride to school every morning because my “city” didn’t have a high school. I have lived in California for seven years now and I realized how ridiculous that is and the waste it created. I am also however not interested in living downtown even though I know it is better for the environment. I took a course in Urban planning and arrived at the conclusion that city living needs to be feasible for people with many different life styles and the animals that accompany them.

Of the one hundred people I polled, I learned that the percentage of those who lived in the suburbs and had pets was nearly equal to the percentage of people who lived in the city and wanted to have pets. Which I found to be an interesting coincidence. I asked each person I polled these key questions.

  1. Do you have a dog or other large pet?
  2. Would you consider moving to the downtown area with your pet?Why or why not?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a larger pet in the city?
  4. Would you describe the area in which you live to be “city” or “suburban”?
  5. Would you consider getting a large pet (such as a dog) while living at your current address? Why or why not?
  6. What are your feelings about sharing a wall or fence with an animal?
  7. What are some possible improvements architects should look into in order to ease current difficulties and persuade more people with pets to live in a denser areas?

For those with dogs or large pets the common or similar answers to questions two, three are as follows:

2) No or probably not. They have a large energetic pet or multiple pets and are concerned about the lack of space, bothering neighbors or other people, the dog won’t have as much time with nature.

3)The advantages is that the pets adjust to city life if they are exposed to it early and properly trained. They have more time to walk and enjoy time with their pets because the don’t have to commute. The disadvantages is that there isn’t as many places the dog can enjoy off leash and some business still don’t allow pets.

For those living in the in an Urban environment:

5) No or probably not. They want to wait until they have either a larger home with a yard or more time to dedicate to the animal. They don’t currently have the time or money to walk and train any animals.

6) I don’t care or it is bothersome. Some people shared that they had allergies to pet dander, a fear of dogs or specific dog breeds, and others expressed a general distaste for the noise and smells that certain pets created.

Finally the responses given by all volunteers polled:

7) Many people requested more semi-private and gated pet facilities. Others requested regulations be made about only allowing large or energetic pets on the bottom floor to reduce the noise issue. Many pet owners requested more pet friendly spaces around the city.

Additionally I interviewed several architects with a separate list of questions.

  • What are your general thoughts on centralization into cities verses urbanization?

Katherine Herbst: “I’m a big fan of densifying. I think the further out we spread the more impact we have on resources, the more impact we have on the habitat… its a general degradation of the environment,” “fuel, garbage, sewage.. gets harder to manage, I think the further spread out you are the more difficult it is to manage all these services.”

  • How do you believe each impacts the wild life? And the domestic animals?

Katherine Herbst: “I am really interested in is how wild life actually adapts to urbanization… There are creatures who are incredibly adaptive,” “you have to understand that animals are wild, they are not pets and they are not toys and they have just as much right to this world as we do,” ” San Diego has a great multiple species quarter act that allows animals to move from the coast to the mountains in a sort of uninterrupted landscape. I think that’s a pretty smart way to plan a city”

Domestic: ” I think there is adaptation that happens,” “I think its a question of how you want to interface with the animals.. people adjust to urban settings if their life choice is to still have animals,” “I think we anthropomorphize. We think that a dog can’t be in a city because there is no place for it to run. But I think that’s our reading of them.”

  • Is this more of a physical or social issue?

Hector Perez: ” the questions is more about how how we legislate the breeding of animals.. we have to at least teach people the differences that their decisions make,” “We need to control the population as much as possible so that we treat those that are born as humanely as possible,” “

  • Your thoughts on how we, as architects, can better accommodate those who do choose to have large breeds or multiple pets?

Hector Perez: ” I think areas for dog parks… are hugely important. On a smaller scale the way we design our living units to be made up of materials that are resilient, sound abatement in between floors when you have stacking units so that their paws don’t make as much sound,” ” I have a building down the street and I have been pretty open with letting people bring their pets until recently it’s become and issue of sound when you have a little… hyperactive animal,” “In retrospect I should have thought better to say animals..pets should not be allowed on the second floor… Having a pet in a carpeted [area] as become a huge problem”

I am defining issues to be those that involve physical space, resources, and health. I believe the most outstanding issue between centralizing and sprawling is a social or cultural resistance. I feel that term would umbrella over most of our impact on our environment. I believe if breeders were limited to a number of puppies per year they were allowed to produce, if “puppy mills” were shut down for being inhumane and if pet owners were held to a higher accountability of their pets, domesticated animals would not have to suffer or be negatively impacted by the centralization or densification or our existing cities. I believe architects, urban planners, and engineers can develop a reasonable living accommodations for families and pet owners if we begin to offer more interest in multi-use buildings and loosen the euclidean zoning laws.

Baldwin Point: A Beautiful Suburban Location Near Downtown

Florida is home to well-known attractions, large businesses, and some of the best entertainment in the country. Over forty-nine million visitors come to this city every year during the warmer months to see Walt Disney World, which has now made this city one of the most significant vacation destinations. The theme park was built during the 1960’s but has since grown into a massive attraction full of sites such as Space Mountain and Sea World. This state holds a unique atmosphere where a youthful spirit is welcomed. The central city was once full of orange groves; however, it is now a business and tourist hub where people from all over the country participate in the unique experiences it offers. Disney themed attractions are not the only drawing point of this region. Visitors can also participate in hang-gliding, downtown shopping, nightlife activities, entertainment, or various dining experiences.

A Southern State Boasting the Perfect Mix of Residential and Commercial Settings

An abundance of buildings can be found in the downtown area. There is a local body of water is surrounded by several residential communities. Restaurants, pubs, retail shops, shopping centers, and office locations can be found in near vicinity of the lake in every direction. The downtown area boasts several office areas with Class-A status, which is within three miles of the largest city. A particular structure, built in 2005 as a multi-tenant office location, is currently being used for the business operations of Travelers Indemnity Company. It consists of one-hundred sixty-five square feet spanning over four stories with a café, on-site property management, and various local amenities. Additional companies reside in the general area as well as the downtown section. This location offers a modern architectural style with beautiful white outer walls, multiple view points of the lake, and an inviting overall design. It is one of many architectural marvels used for everyday business in the area.

Orlando is considered to be at the center of the metropolitan area with a population in the millions. It ranks twenty-seventh among metropolitan cities in the United States, in addition to ranking third in the State of Florida. The downtown area boasts numerous skyscrapers including the Sun Trust Center, Orange County Courthouse, Solaire at the Plaza, Dynetech Center, and the Premier Trade Plaza. Orlando includes seventy-one skyscrapers with a large majority being located in the downtown section. Its economy stems from industrial, hi-tech, and tourism industries with the technology industry totaling approximately thirteen billion. Digital media, aviation, software design, and agricultural innovations are prevalent. It contains more than one-hundred fifty international organizations from a minimum of twenty countries. Companies residing in the area include Lockheed-Martin, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Siemens, Veritas/Seagate, AT&T, Boeing, and multiple military training facilities.

The city may be a booming tourist area, but it is also home to thriving national and international businesses. It offers a multitude of opportunities to individuals seeking a new start or companies desiring a great place to conduct their business operations. Relocations are common due to the variety of prospects offered throughout this region.

How to Choose Hydroponics Plants to Grow in the Suburban Hydroponic Garden

The attractive part of hydroponics gardening, and the reason why so many home and commercial gardeners and farmers are drawn to it is the speed that plants grow and the amount of produce crops grown with hydroponics technology produce. Although it looks like it is a big step from growing plants in soil, the step is actually only quite small. The nutrients that would normally be contained within soil are provided in the water. Once this has been done, other than physical support for the plant roots, the soil provides no further advantage. Because they receive all of the elements they receive in soil, a huge range of plants can be grown hydroponically.

The main types of hydroponics plants that we see are those that we eat. You may have noticed that many varieties of lettuce and herbs are now sold in supermarkets in plastic seeds with their roots still attached. These plants have been grown hydroponically. They are just as healthy and tasty as plants grown in soil.


Hydroponic strawberries are a seasonal fruit, bearing fruit only during the warmer months of the year. Hydroponics technology, with the provision of light, nutrients, and water, is able to grow strawberries all year round, producing rich, red, luscious, sweet fruit. The cost of hydroponic gardening is no more expensive than farming with soil, which means that hydroponics strawberries can be provided to local markets and supermarkets all year round from a local grower, rather than having them shipped in during the out-of-season months. This significantly reduces the cost of these hydroponic plants.


Although many varieties of lettuce can be grown all year round, this is limited by the rate at which lettuce grows during the winter months. If a particular area is prone to frost or snow, lettuce or other plants can not be grown during this time. Hydroponics plants can be grown indoors, meaning that they can be protected from the harsh winters and be grown all year round. Hydroponic lettuce also grows much faster than traditionally grown lettuce. This allows farmers to produce multiple crops during the year, enhancing their production rates, reducing the area they need to dedicate to an individual hydroponic plant, and thereby increasing their profitability.


The traditional hydroponic plant – the tomato – is perhaps the most well known plant to be grown using hydroponic systems. It can be found in almost all supermarkets, where it is now almost uncommon to find tomatoes that are not grown hydroponically. Tomatoes are particularly suited to hydroponic growing because they have small root systems, require quite a lot of water, and are particularly prone to soil-borne diseases, frost, and other radical changes in the weather. Hydroponics provides the stability that tomatoes need to grow and thrive.

In summary, a wide range of plants can be grown using hydroponic technology. The most common hydroponic plants that we as consumers come across are lettuce, herbs, strawberries, and of course, tomatoes. Hydroponics provides these plants with the stability in growth conditions that they require to grow rapidly and bear the most produce, making the entire system economically viable.

Find Suburban New Homes At Dardenne Prairie, Missouri With Their Rural Nature Still Intact

Dardenne Prairie is a city in the St. Charles County at Missouri. It falls within the St. Louis metro area and has an area of 4.4 square miles. The region was originally a prairie with a few trees as compared to the other low lying regions. There was plenty of grass and wild fruits and many animals lived in this region. The prairie was abundant with flowers. The Dardenne Family was amongst the early settlers in the Mississippi valley. The town is named after this family.

The region was an established farming community when the Catholic Church had its beginnings. Grants were given to the community around the 1800’s. The place had a nearby creek. The civil war had an impact on the town and exhausted the county. The town became a city in 2001. The city is in the center of the golden triangle of the St. Charles County. The new homes at Dardenne Prairie, Missouri are suburban with their rural nature still retained.

The city has many natural parks and good looking houses. For the business community we have plazas and an industrial park. The city has a private high school. The place is located close to major roads and is easily accessible. There are a few airports in the nearby region. Dardenne Prairie is home to all kinds of businesses. Health and medical services are easily available. These include hospitals and mental health services. We have movies and local TV, local newspapers and the radio.

The new homes at Dardenne Prairie, Missouri are in an environmentally safe region. Industries do not pollute the locality. There are facilities for containing air and land contamination. The government is up to date with tackling the environment and recycling also contributes to a green environment. New jobs are coming up rapidly in the region. This goes hand in hand with the farmers who abound in the location. The farmers markets are established here. We also have a college, hotels and libraries. The nearby attractions include museums, historic sites, area parks and wineries.

A wide range of new homes are on feature here at Dardenne Prairie. These include apartments, public housing and subsidized apartments. For recreation we have parks and forests. We also have sports facilities. Some of the organizations active here include the Little League and the YMCA. The place has easily accessible churches. For those who would like to eat out we have restaurants.

All kind of housing is available for sale at Dardenne Prairie. The homes come in all sizes and combinations. As the region is developing it makes sense to live here. The price range of the new homes is wide and there should be something for everybody. For those who want to reside where nature is simple, Dardenne Prairie is a good choice. As the metropolitan area is close you would be dwelling close to a highly developed region.

For those who work or farm here, living in the New Homes at Dardenne Prairie, Missouri is a great idea.

Owning Horses in the Suburbs – Suburban Horsekeeping

In today’s society about 20% of families in the United States own more than one horse.

Thousands of other families living in urban or suburban communities with small acres of land and some with no land at all would like to own a horse or two. Many of these families have very little to no knowledge in owning horses in the suburbs or urban horse keeping.

Owning horses or a horse can be a very enjoyable, exciting, educational experience, for the young and old. Or it can also be a dangerous unpleasant experience if the proper knowledge of horse keeping in the suburbs is not pursued previous to buying a horse.

To many people, horses are simply beautiful creatures. But prospective horse owners should look beyond the appearances and know that there are many differences to horses many different responsibilities to owning a horse in urban areas as opposed to rural & agricultural areas.

-You need to learn about buying and how to buy a horse.
– Horse care & handling
– You also need knowledge of horse equipment.

You must also have the proper facility or accommodations for your horse if you have a small piece of land. You’re going to need a proper horse barn or shed, proper turnout area or run, also how are you gonna keep your horse or horses exercised?

There are many other things to consider, such as how many horses does your community permit per acre? How are your neighbors going to react to you having a horse or horses? Are they going to be comfortable with it and the possible smell of urine & horse poop, depending on how close or far you are from their property? Another thing to think about is what are you going to do with the muck after you clean the stall or paddock? Do you have the room to compost it or are you going to need a company or someone to pick it up? Where are you going to store hay and feed? Where will you store your horse trailer if you decide you want show with your horse or do some trail riding? Lastly consider what will be the cost to keep your horse at home, for feeding and maintenance etc…? A

Garden Sheds in Suburban Yards

Garden Sheds in Australian Lives

The word “shed” has a unique meaning here in Oz and someone really has to spend some time over here to fully pick up what I really mean. Please read on to learn about garden sheds in general. Storage is an everyday problem for dwellings all over the world and if you don’t wish to fill your garage with gardening tools, machinery and all other type of tools the best way is to have a backyard storage shed.

They are accessible here in Aussie and New Zealand in all type of sizes and materials but galvanised shed kits have been widely used in the last 2 decades. These kits are manufactured from steel sheeting and sold in flat pack carton boxes for the DIY market. There are also manufacturers that make them in pre manufactured panel form (all components are pre-assembled) however, that might cause problems with the transportation in Australia.

DIY shed kits are supplied in every sizes to suit all backyards regardless of its size. For the small, limited inner city yards there are slim line sheds on the market that can be positioned against houses to fully utilise space availability, while for larger suburban yards there are the always popular 3m x 3m sheds and the workshop sheds up to 7m x 4m and for acreage gardens the most popular choices are the garages that also come in a DIY kit form and pretty easy to assemble. They are so easy actually to put together that really everyone can do it regardless of gender or age.

These outdoor storage places are used to store all type of belongings, most of all gardening tools and equipment in smaller sheds but workshops might be also used to do maintenance work on gardening equipment.
These outdoor structures are always liked storage solving in this country.

Look for Erda Homes for Sale If You Like Living in a Suburban Area

Located just 30 minutes drive from the great Salt Lake City, Erda is a rural settlement in the Tooele County. Though the area is so close to the capital of Utah State, it offers small residences that are suitable for small families as well as over 500 acre estates that are good for agricultural purposes and rearing livestock. Often, you will be able to see a wild deer grazing just outside your home. Erda homes for sale are available in case you think of settling down there.

Erda is a small census designated place that had a population of only 2473 people in the year 2000 census. Its land area is 22.5 square miles. This is also one of the reasons for most people to choose this area to buy property and settle down. In 2010 the population has increased to 4642 as lots of Erda Utah real estate properties have been developed during this period of ten years. Still, the growth is slow as only the lovers of rural living come to this area to settle down.

Wasatch Mountains are nearby and it adds scenic beauty to this small township. It also allows the residents in the area to enjoy their skiing during the winter as there are a few ski resorts there. Those who look for Erda homes for sale are assured of scenic beauty, fresh air and the rural life style. They are also afforded the peaceful living in solitude. However, they never need to worry that they are living segregated from urban folks. They could be in the vibrant metropolis of Salt Lake City in just half an hour.

Erda is not an isolated area. There are a few residential areas around it. They include Copperton, Stansbury Park, Grantsville, Stockton and Tooele. When you consider the population in this suburban community, you will find that 75% of the residents are married and 62% of the households are occupied by families that have children. Therefore, buying Erda Utah real estate is a good idea if you are a family with kids that is looking for a residential property.

If you are looking for Erda homes for sale you need to hurry as only 4% of the homes in the area is up for sale. 85% of the homes in this suburban community are occupied and 10% are given on rent. However, still there is a variety of homes available for sale.

It is a good option to buy one of the Erda homes for sale if you are looking for a home with a large garden. Hiring one of the Erda Utah real estate agents is the best way to do it.

Suburban Living Requires Home Security

One of the easiest traps to fall into while living in a suburb is thinking that you are safe. You are, relative to a city maybe, but the fact remains that suburban homes are targeted for exactly that reason. Home security in a suburban town needs to be a top priority for any family, lest you fall victim to the illusion of safety. One of the most devastating things about a home robbery isn’t just losing your valuables; it’s losing all those things that were important to you for sentimental reasons. Installing a good home security system is a must.

Robbers understand that people who live in suburban neighborhoods often know people in their community and trust their neighbors. It is a nice idea to think about, just leaving your door unlocked while kids from the neighborhood come in and out of the house for drinks in between play. You can safely enjoy this type of lifestyle in the suburbs and that’s why they appeal to so many people. However there is a sinister element to the robbers who target these homes. While suburbanites are close in terms of personal relationships, homes often have space between them. It is very difficult to notice someone going through another person’s home. This is a huge difference between living in the suburbs and living in the city. People in the city may actually hear someone going through your apartment while you’re away. In the suburbs, if a robber is careful, they may never be seen by anyone.

It is important to keep an eye out for strange vehicles and people loitering around your house, but the most important preventative action that you can take is installing a home alarm system that you can trust. Some systems come equipped with motion sensors and lasers that will protect your home while you’re away. Something else to consider is that these home alarm systems function while you are sleeping. That way, you will know that your children are protected while they sleep. I know of nothing scarier than a home invasion.

While these security measures will protect your home the most important thing to do is teach your children to be cautious while they are away from the house. Tell your kids not to chat with strangers online and to be on the lookout for sketchy looking people. It seems obvious to you, but you must remember that children are gullible and trusting. All of the home security in the world won’t prevent something bad happening on the way back from school. It is important to instill these lessons in your children at an early age.

Moving to the suburbs offers your children a chance at a great future. The schools will be of quality and your kids will make lasting friends. With a few simple precautionary measures you can make sure that living in the suburbs is the safest place to be.

Looking for the best? ADT security leads the industry when it comes to technology and employee training. You simply have no better option than ADT.

Aventura Condominiums: Prime Options For People Who Want To Live Within A Suburban City In Miami

The city of Aventura has become a prime option for property buyers who are looking to reside in one of the Miami region’s most outstanding communities. If you happen to be interested in the different types of real estate options within the community, you may find the city’s selection of Aventura condominiums to be perfect for you.

Basic City Information

Before we take a closer look at what makes Aventura condominiums such an idyllic real estate option for people within the city, let us first take a look at what the city is all about so that you will have a better idea on the lifestyle that you can expect within the community located in the northeastern section of Miami-Dade County in Florida.

Aventura is a suburban city that was developed during the 1970s when people would refer to it as Turnberry. Later on, however, the developers who were working on what would become the city’s first real estate options decided that it would be better off as “Aventura” since they believed that the project they were going to take on was indeed going to be quite an adventure.

It was not until 1995 that the city was finally incorporated.

Suburban City Lifestyle

More often than not, people are easily drawn to the suburban city lifestyle that is offered within Aventura, especially since it one of the newest communities in the Miami region today.

The fact that it is located between Fort Lauderdale and South Beach makes it such an excellent location for people who are looking to engage in an active lifestyle.

People who are avid shoppers will find the presence of the Aventura Mall – the biggest mall in the state of Florida – to be such a pleasant option to have within the city. Of course, the fact that the beaches are merely minutes away makes it easy for anyone to indulge in the tropical beauty of Miami.

Aventura Condominiums

Among the first real estate options that were built within the city are its selection of Aventura condominiums which have proven to be such an exception real estate option for modern living. In fact, the city has become one of the prime locations for people who are interested in such a lifestyle that is made comfortable and convenient by the simplicity of such home ownership which comes along with first-class features and amenities.

Aventura Marina, Artech, and Porto Vita are considered to be the top three options in the city today. Nevertheless, there are other options which include the brand new Bellini Williams Island condominium which is currently in its pre-construction stages. If you would like to find out more about today’s selection of Aventura condominiums, you may contact a professional agent for more information.

How to Get Rid of Wild Raccoons in Suburban Neighborhoods

Many families wonder if wild raccoons are dangerous animals. The truth is; they can be a potential threat depending on the situation. Due to the overwhelming increase of new housing developments and subdivisions, raccoons have been indirectly forced out of their natural habitat. This causes a higher population of raccoons in residential areas. Raccoons are clever mammals and they have good memory. They are aware that suburban areas are easy sources for food, shelter, and more. Continue reading to learn how to get rid of wild raccoons in suburban neighborhoods.

Discourage Raccoons from Entering Your Property

Raccoons are interested in anything they can get their paws on; they are very curious critters. If there is something in or around your property that will attract wild animals, then you need a solution. Raccoons are attracted first and foremost, to food. Many homeowners have outdoor storage areas, such as sheds, garages, barns, and bins. If things like pet food, horse feed, or any other type of food source is left in these places, raccoons will come searching for it. Leaving pet food and other edibles outside your home with most likely attract the local raccoon colonies. If you have a garden, then utilize animal removal products and other home remedies to prevent raccoons from stealing your produce.

Hide Garbage Cans from Raccoons

Another common habit that homeowners have is taking out their garbage the night before trash day. Yes, this saves time in the morning between getting ready for work and making breakfast for the kids; but, it is not worth walking outside to a front yard full of last week’s trash scattered everywhere. Be sure to take your garbage out the morning of your scheduled trash pickup day. Raccoons are nocturnal and they go searching for food at night. Unsuspecting garbage cans are often times their favorite targets. Raccoons remember this as a reliable and easy source of food; and come back, night after night, for more. They rummage through the trash cans, scattering garbage all over the driveway and neighbors’ yard. You can prevent all this by hiding the trash cans from the raccoons.

Wild Raccoons Can Be Dangerous

Attracting raccoons to your property can be potentially dangerous in some situations. Many people wonder, “Are wild raccoons are dangerous?”; and the answer is yes. If you are a pet owner, it can be a fatal situation for your pet and a raccoon to battle each other. Raccoons carry infectious diseases and can pass them along through their saliva or urine. If a raccoon bites your cat or dog, they can be potentially infected with multiple viral and bacterial illnesses, such as rabies. It is important to seek help immediately if this ever occurs. Raccoons can also be aggressive at times, and attack a human if provoked. If there is a raccoon in your house or on your property, never try to approach it or touch it. If it feels threatened in any way, it can bite or claw a person. Young children are also potential victims of raccoon bites and diseases.